
My grandparents showed me, time and again, that love is the most fundamental, potent and healing force in this world. Martha, my grandmother, taught me about the healing power of food, and that love must always be the main ingredient. Similarly, Alberto, my grandfather, taught me about the healing power of words, and that love must lead their way. My Grandmother’s Table, with its mission to nourish body, mind, heart, spirit and soul, emerges from the seeds of knowledge, empathy and joy they so lovingly planted within me.


My Grandmother’s Table . . . finds full inspiration in . . . my grandmother! As a boy, her hands guided me in the creation of foods from around the world. And her kitchen was frequently full! Once homeless, my grandmother knew hunger and fear all too well. Consequently, and with great gratitude for those who took her and her children in, she opened her house to friends, family and strangers, too. My grandmother clearly paid it forward! We lived in a melting pot of a town known for its racial and ethnic diversity. Her joy was in discovering the “tastes of home” for all who came by. It didn’t matter where you were from – Africa, Asia, Latin America, Russia, Poland, Italy and on – she would find a way, through garden-fresh food and an enduring hospitality, to say: You’re welcome at my table. You’re welcome in my home. In honor of this special lady (and my grandfather, too), our mission is to create locally-sourced and internationally-inspired dishes that are wholesome, hearty and tasty, too! Everyone is welcome at My Grandmother’s Table!


I am Jozef Zebediah – Joe for short! – a graduate of Columbia University and a Licensed Psychotherapist, Ordained Interfaith Minister, Relationship and Creativity Coach, author, performance artist and Chef-Baker. I pursued my culinary studies at The International Culinary Center as well as the Institute for Culinary Education and the Natural Gourmet Institute, all in New York City. I simply love what I get to do.

My Grandmother and Grandfather, Martha and Alberto, taught me enduring lessons about life, love, work and adventure, not just what they were but, more importantly, how to breathe life into them. They, each and every day, showed me by example how to become who I was truly created to be. And now, I am thrilled to share with you the delectable fare and nuggets of wisdom I found at my grandmother’s table, all infused with love, gratitude and joy.

As seen on:


Nick Easton, a former teacher with undergraduate and graduate degrees in education, left the classroom to create and operate two business ventures: Antiques Markets, Inc., a traveling show of artifacts and heirlooms, and the Cavern Club, one of Michigan’s largest entertainment complexes, both located in Ann Arbor. Antiques Markets, Inc. produced shows within the state and across the Midwest. The Cavern Club, with four venues in one building, was featured on HGTV. Nick presented a number of bands, comedians and performers all the while hosting parties, ceremonies and festivities for Hollywood moviemakers, entertainers, politicians, university students and just about anyone who had cause for celebration!